We operate a large 5500 square foot experimental laboratory in the basement of Chapman Hall,
Chapman B02. The Joint Fluid Laboratory (JFL) , managed by the Department of Mathematics,
brings faculty from mathematics, marine sciences, and biology together to work on all things fluid.
The lab houses a 36 meter, modular, wave tank, a tilting wind tunnel, a filtration and desalinization
facility for reuse of salt water and quick stratification. Lab instrumentation includes high speed
3D particle imaging velocimetry, highly accurate density and temperature measurement, a custom
0.003 kelvin stable bath, and numerous imaging equipment for studying complex fluid dynamics.
The lab is funded thanks to generous support from the University of North Carolina, the
National Science Foundation, and the Office of Naval Research.
We involve students of all levels in the ongoing research. Please contact either myself
or Roberto Camassa to get involved!
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